[Eoscstudents] Menu for week of Mon. Oct. 17 to Fri. Oct. 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 17 09:25:53 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

It's Fall Break week here at Eastern, so that means a couple of extra 
days off work or out of class, to go to the Fall Festival at Robber's 
Cave, go home, finish up projects you need to get done before winter, or 
just relax and enjoy life.  I hope everyone has a great short week and a 
wonderful long weekend!

The EOSC Family picnic this past weekend was a lot of fun, with quite a 
few of our staff and faculty getting together and enjoying getting to 
visit, eat, play games and win some great prizes!  Thanks to everyone 
who helped to make this great time possible, by putting it together, 
donating food or a door prize, or just attending!  The picnic gives 
everyone a chance to get together without having to be thinking about 
whatever work project needs completed ASAP, whatever deadline is coming 
right up, or any of the other million and one crises that can happen at 
work to rush us, stress us out, and give us one of those tension 

If you didn't get to see the play "Nickle and Dimed" last week presented 
by Theatre Eastern, you missed a real eye opener!  I told my daughter as 
we drove home, "That is why you're in college, so you don't have to be a 
minimum wage worker the rest of your life."  I hope all Eastern students 
who saw it realized what a great opportunity it is to be going to 
college to make a better future for yourself, and your family, including 
those children you probably don't even have yet! 

Very Happy Birthday wishes go out to Janice Forwoodson of our Human 
Resources office, for this coming Sunday, October 23.  She's a real 
sweetheart and I hope she has a wonderful birthday!

Our menu for this week includes:

Monday:      Pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy, cabbage, green beans, 
baby carrots, hot rolls, and strawberry cake

Tuesday:      Chicken tetrazzini or BBQ, steamed red potatoes, broccoli, 
corn garlic bread, and peach cobbler

Wednesday:   Tacos, Mexican rice, pinto beans, Mexican cornbread, fried 
okra, and cheesecake

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday there will be cooks here cooking 
Cyber Cafe items for the students who can't go home over Fall Break. 

Have a great short week and long weekend,
Rhoda   :-)

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