[Eoscstudents] Student Employment Manual and supporting documents are available online

Mimi Kelley mkelley at eosc.edu
Fri Feb 3 11:03:03 CST 2012

In an effort to more readily provide necessary information, a new Student 
Employment Manual for both Federal and Institutional Work-Study has been posted 
on Eastern's web site.   Please take the time to look over this information, and 
contact us if you have questions.  Thank you.



Attention to 
Federal Work-Study and Institutional Work-Study Supervisors, Employees and 
Prospective Employees:


     Please see Eastern’s web site (www.eosc.edu) for the new 
Eastern Oklahoma State College Student Employment Manual for Federal Work Study 
and Institutional Work Study.  Links to 
the manual, as well as the Student Employment Acknowledgement of 
Responsibilities form and the Job Description form are located on the Financial 
Aid Office page and the Institutional Scholarship page.

     The Student Employment Manual contains 
information about the rights and responsibilities of the student workers and 
their supervisors.  This is an important 
document that will answer many questions about how students should present 
themselves while under Eastern’s employment and what responsibilities a 
supervisor has to maintain a student worker in their area.

     Students who are awarded Federal 
Work-Study jobs will be directed to the Financial Aid Office page to read the 
manual and complete the Student Employment Acknowledgement of Responsibilities 
form.  The Job Description form is for 
supervisors, and a new form will need to be on file with the Financial Aid 
Office before new jobs will be assigned for the 2012-13 academic year.  

     Students who are accepted for 
Institutional Work-Study jobs will be directed to the Institutional Scholarship 
page to read the manual and complete the Student Employment Acknowledgement of 
Responsibilities form.  The Job 
Description form is for Institutional Work-Study supervisors, and a new form 
will need to be on file with the Scholarship Office before new jobs will be 
assigned for the 2012-13 academic year.  

     If you have questions about Federal 
Work-Study, please direct  them to Gail 
Wilson, at 918.465.1769 or gwilson at eosc.edu.    For questions about Institutional 
Work-Study, please contact Jennifer Labor, at 918.465.1768 or jlabor at eosc.edu. 


Mimi Kelley

Mimi Kelley, M. Ed.
Financial Aid Director
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1802 East College Ave, Wanda Bass Bldg 
McAlester OK 74501
PHONE: 918.302.3604 FAX:918.465.4429 

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