[Eoscstudents] Menu for Fri. Nov. 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Nov 16 09:07:46 CST 2012

Hi folks,
It's FINALLY Friday!  And not just ANY Friday, but the Friday before Thanksgiving Break.  I know everyone's been looking forward to that for a while now.  For some, this may be the first chance they've had to go home since the semester began, for others it'll just be a wonderful week off to relax and visit with family and friends they don't get to see that often now that they in college, and of course to eat whatever particular favorites each family will prepare for their Thanksgiving feast.  I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and happy Thanksgiving break and comes back well and content, (and full).
Don't forget the final public presentation of The Jungle Book by Eastern's Theatre Department is this evening at 8:00 in Mitchell Auditorium.  Cost is $4 for adults and $1 for children.  Be sure and come out and see this fun performance.
Happy Birthday wishes go out today to young Mr. Gavin Moore, (son of Music Director Patrick and Nursing Dept. Administrative Assistant, Letoria), who turns 1 today; Susie Smith of our Cafeteria Department (who's a bit more than 1); and our state, Oklahoma, turning 105 today!  Also, tomorrow Karen Darby of Student Affairs and her twin, Kelly Bogard, of the McAlester campus will celebrate their joint birthday.  Our Librarian, Maria Martinez, will have a birthday on Thanksgiving day, and Lea Dickson will celebrate hers the day after that.  Happy Birthday to one and all!
Our menu for today includes:
Pork loin or roast beef, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, cabbage, broccoli, green beans, rolls, and fresh apple cake.
Come eat with us!  We appreciate your business!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break,
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