[Eoscstudents] Christmas Basket

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Thu Nov 29 18:15:53 CST 2012

 Eastern's Foundation Department gave Student Support Services 5 Wal 
Mart gift cards worth $20 each!  Thank you so much to the Foundation.  
These cards will be used for prizes for our participants and can be used 
for groceries, gas, or Christmas presents for the lucky winners.  Be 
sure to get over and visit with one of our staff to get your name into 
the drawing!  You can enter multiple times, so be sure to fill out an 
entry every time you come to tutoring, to do workshops, or visit with a 
counselor.  The prizes will be awarded December 14*, so entries will be 
collected until then. 

Thank you,
Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services

*This date is subject to change depending on schedules.



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