[Eoscstudents] Monthly Safety Reminder

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Thu Aug 22 15:09:37 CDT 2013

Welcome and welcome back to Eastern Oklahoma State College.  Each month the campus police department will send out public service reminders about concerns involving safety.  This month as we open up for a new school year we want to take just a moment to talk about safety awareness.  Burglars, and most other criminals, usually migrate towards crimes of opportunity.  This means that things like students in groups; car, houses and rooms that are locked; and persons in well-lit, heavily traveled areas are much less likely to be victimized.   
Protect Yourself at Home in your Residence Hall
•Lock your door even when you intend to return home shortly or even if you are just going down the hall. It takes a thief ten seconds or less to enter an open room and steal your property.
•Lock or secure doors and windows when you are alone or asleep.
•Keep emergency numbers by your phone.
•Do not leave messages on your door indicating that you are away and when you will return.
•Do not let strangers enter a residence hall or its premises.
•Do not prop open outer doors. If someone asks to use your phone for an emergency call, offer to telephone for them instead of allowing them access.
•Do not put your address on your key ring.
•Know your neighbors.
•Do not leave keys in hiding places. Thieves will find them. Carry your keys or make sure that anyone who truly needs them has their own copy.
•Call 911 to report suspicious persons or activities in or around your neighborhood.
•Open a savings or checking account instead of keeping money in your room.
•Keep automatic teller machine cards in a safe place, and keep your PIN number secret. When possible, only use ATM machines during the day.
•Instead of carrying large sums of cash, use a charge card. Some charge cards insure property purchased with those cards against loss, theft or damage.
•If you find yourself in immediate danger, call 911; try to stay calm and get away at the first opportunity.
Protect Yourself When Walking
•Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
•Call 911 to report suspicious persons or activity in or around your neighborhood.
•Avoid shortcuts and dark, isolated areas.
•Walk purposefully, know where you are going, and project a no-nonsense image.
•Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
•If you feel threatened, cross the street, locate an emergency phone, or enter a store or place of business even if you have just left it.
•Have your door keys ready; carry them in your pockets, not buried in a purse.
•If you carry pepper spray, be familiar with how it works and have it available in case you need it.
These and other public safety awareness tips can serve to help keep you safe in our learning environment. 
The campus police also tested the rave alert system today.  If you did not receive the test via text message or e-mail and would like to, be sure and notify student services.  

 Bryan E. Denny M.S.
COP Director/Criminal Justice Chair/Chief of Police
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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