[Eoscstudents] Library International Fair Book Club

Maria Arroyo marroyo at eosc.edu
Tue Feb 19 12:54:51 CST 2013


Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:


The EOSC Library will be hosting a book club meeting towards the end of
April, but this meeting will be a little different than most.


The Internationally-themed Book Club will be titled Reading with an
International Flavor.  


We will be reading books by authors from other countries and having an
international fair for the EOSC community to taste food and learn about
other cultures.


For the International Fair Book Club, we are inviting anyone who is familiar
with the food and culture of another country to participate by preparing a
dish typical to the country you have chosen.  In case you are wondering,
Chips & Salsa don't count!   


International students, exchange students, those who have traveled to
another country, and first or second generation Americans are strongly
encouraged to participate. However, even if you just have experience and
knowledge of another country, we would be delighted to have you.


The goal of this book club meeting is to raise cultural awareness and share
knowledge regarding other countries. So,  if you believe you have something
to contribute, your attendance is more than welcome.  


To confirm attendance or for more information, please contact Maria Arroyo
at extension #781, email: marroyo at eosc.edu or Maria Martinez extension #711,
email: mmartinez at eosc.edu.







Maria Gabriela Arroyo

Administrative Assistant to the Librarian

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main Street 

213 Bill H. Hill Library 

Wilburton, OK  74578


918.465.0112 Fax




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