[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. May 15 Finals Week

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed May 15 09:58:06 CDT 2013

Hi folks,
I guess I spoke too soon about the great weather.  Today it looks as if it could rain before it's over with.  
This is the middle of Finals Week, and we're already noticing some students have finished up their tests and are heading out.  
Our menu for today includes:
Indian tacos with all the toppings, loaded baked potato bar, rice, pinto beans, zucchini and tomatoes, salad bar, and peanut butter cake.
Best of luck to this year's graduates.  Don't forget to come back and visit us when you get the chance.  And for this year's freshman, we'll be looking forward to welcoming you back in the fall as brand new sophomores.
Have a great week at Eastern,
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