[Eoscstudents] thank you!

Ruth Brelsford rbrelsford at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 17 16:18:11 CDT 2014

The Honors Program would like to thank all of you who helped make the week
that the Denmark students stayed on our campus such a memorable experience
for them and for all of us.


I have never been so proud of our campus, our students, our Honors Program,
and our administration.  We truly made these students and their sponsors
feel welcomed and honored.  I hope that we shared what makes us special here
at Eastern and introduced these students to our culture and history in this
part of the state.


I hesitate to list special "thank you's" because I don't want to leave
anyone out and I believe we all did a great job, but here goes:


A special thank you to:


                --Kendra and her softball team who cleaned, painted,
decorated, and spiffed up Miller Hall for our guests.  Kendra was VERY
organized and helpful during that eventful week.

                --the custodial staff in Miller, especially Paula and Colby,
who made that ugly old building look as good as it could!

                --Linda Morgan for her donation of LOTS of toiletries for
our guests.

                --GEAR UP for backpacks that we filled with all kinds of
goodies many of which they provided.

                --NASNTI for flash drives for the welcome bags.

                --Maria Martinez and the Library for contributions to the
welcome bags.

                --Ali Martinez and the Book Store for notebooks, calendars,
key chains, etc for the welcome bags.

                -- Karen Darby for her lightning fast tour of the campus and
accompanying the groups as they toured the Divisions while Honors students
were in class on Friday.

                --Carly Jones for sponsoring so many activities and Jackson
for keeping the pool open.

                --Mildred and the cafeteria staff for box lunches and smiles
and a healthy salad bar!

                --Math and Science Division under Margaret Sorrell and Julie
Collins' direction for the lovely lunch and providing a venue for the
presentations from the Danes.

                --  each Division Dean and professor who welcomed the
students into your classes.

                --Ashley Jones, Jenna Mabry, and Jamie Fink, Honors
students, and Keifer Shearer, ESGA President, who served as members of the
planning committee under Dr. Glazier's guidance and gave hours of time and
thoughtful input for this effort.

                --Mac our bus driver who got us there safely and genuinely
enjoyed his time with these students.

                --Dr. Smith and his vice presidents who supported our
planning efforts.

                --and Dr. Glazier for master-minding the planning and
implementation of the project always empowering Honors students as they
learned how to organize such a demanding project.


Thank you all.  The sponsors Ditte and Liese report that the visit to our
campus was educational and enjoyable for all and they are excited about
their next trip to Oklahoma!


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