[Eoscstudents] panel discussion/movie night

Ruth Brelsford rbrelsford at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 22 15:35:17 CDT 2014

You are all invited to attend the panel discussion on First Amendment rights
and responsibilities, sponsored by the Honors Program, Wednesday, 6 pm, in
the Johnnie Wray Theatre, first floor of Pratt Hall.  We are encouraging
audience participation about this very important subject and will also have
voter registration forms available that night.  After the discussion we will
present IRON JAWED ANGELS which is a very good movie about what women
endured in order to get our right to vote.  It is very powerful and actually
quite shocking!  Please come.  We will have sign in sheets if your teachers
are offering extra credit for attending either or both of these programs.
See you Wed!-Ruth Brelsford  

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