[Eoscstudents] Fwd: [Eoscall] kNOw more! event April 29

Paige Lowder plowder at eosc.edu
Mon Apr 27 16:49:00 CDT 2015

> Students, Faculty, and Staff:
> April 29 is an important day on our campus as we make an effort to raise awareness about dating violence and sexual assault in an all afternoon event.  The schedule below outlines the opportunities for the day (and the night before, too!)  Please make an effort to attend as much of the day as you possibly can!
>   We are looking for men who are "Man Enough" to walk a "mile in her shoes" to help us have a few laughs about a very serious subject!  If you are "man enough," come to the ampitheatre at 1pm Wed for a bit of fun!  Cool t-shirts for all participants. 
> The main speaker starts at 2pm and there will be cool door prizes at that event, too.
> If you have questions or suggestions or want to volunteer, please respond to this email!
> Also, counselors will be available to talk for those who need to share their stores.
> Hope to see you there!
> --Ruth Brelsford, Speech and Honors
> Schedule of activities:  kNOw more!  raising awareness about dating violence and sexual assault
> Tuesday April 28 9pm Ampitheatre  Movie Night REVIVING OPHELIA
>                Freedom from Fear solidarity walk across campus after the movie
> Wednesday April 29    12 noon    Browse Session in Cafeteria
>                                         1pm        "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes" relay race at the Clock Tower
>                                         2pm        "My Body, My Life"  key note speaker in Ball Room
>                                         4pm                 --Break--
>                                         4pm           Self Defense for Women  North Ball Room
>                                                            Straight Talk for Men  South Ball Room
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> Eastern Oklahoma State College
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