[Eoscstudents] Monthly Safety Email

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 19 11:20:55 CST 2015

Students, Faculty, and Staff,  
One goal of the public safety department of Eastern Oklahoma State College is to maintain a readiness status through continual training and prepping for any conceivable event.  With that in mind we try to make sure that students, faculty and staff at Eastern are aware of the actions they should take should an emergency situation occur.  One such situation which is of considerable importance where training is concerned is that of an active shooter threat.  The campus police and building monitors train often with regards to their responsibilities during this type of threat.  Attached in this month’s safety email is a video, prepared by the City of Houston in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, which involves instruction to others and provides direction as to the options you have in an active shooter scenario.  This six minute video could very well save your life and I can therefore not stress enough the importance of this type of education for the public.  I encourage each and every one of you to take just these few minutes and watch the video so that we can all be better prepared in the event that such a tragic situation should ever unfold on one of our campuses.  Thank you for your time.  
In addition to this email, a RAVE Alert test will be conducted later this afternoon.   

 Bryan E. Denny M.S.
COP Director/Criminal Justice Chair/Chief of Police
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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