[Eoscstudents] New online course this fall: Insects and Human Health

Pat Ratliff pratliff at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 7 15:19:24 CDT 2016

Dear Students and Advisors,

I am offering a new online course this fall entitled Insects and Human Health, Biol 2992-6649 (10908). While targeted to the health professional, anyone who's every wondered, "will it bite?" can benefit from learning more about insects and their kin (scorpions, spiders, ticks, etc.). The class is worth 2 credit hours, perfect for completing a full-time course load when you just need 1 or 2 more credits, and since it is online only, it will also fit nicely into your schedule. 

The course will cover how the animals in this group are related to each other and basics about insect life cycles. We will then go over each group of insects that impact humans, both positively (e.g., honey and beeswax) and negatively (e.g., stings). In addition, we will also cover basic first aid tips for those negative impacts and how to prevent or decrease unpleasant encounters. There is no textbook; information will be provided by the instructor and from web links. We will have weekly quizzes and discussions, and a final project.

If you have any questions about this course, please let me know!

Patricia C. Bolin Ratliff, Ph.D.
Professor of Zoology
Biology Department Chair
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main St.
Wilburton, OK 74578
fax 918-465-1870
pratliff at eosc.edu
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