[Eoscstudents] Menu for TGI Fri. Jan. 22

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Fri Jan 22 11:04:11 CST 2016

Hi folks,


It's a chilly Friday, but still it is a Friday, so what could be bad about
that?  Just bundle up!  It's supposed to be really cold tonight, so be sure
and let your pets inside, or if that's not possible, fix them a warm bed
outside where they will be protected.  They don't enjoy being cold any more
than we do, and it can be dangerous for them to be exposed to too much cold.


Happy Birthday wishes go out today to one of our cafeteria workers, Danny
Baker.  Danny claims he's 21 today, but Kayla says he's 75, so he's probably
somewhere in between those two numbers, either nearly legal, or past ready
to retire.    And celebrating her birthday this Sunday, is London White of
Student Affairs.  I hope they both have an excellent day.


And another special birthday wish goes out to Mountaineer Radio, turning 1
year old today!  I hear they're having a celebration at the station, with
refreshments and prizes, so get over there between 10 and 2 if you can and
help them celebrate.  You might win a great prize! 


Our Lunch menu today includes:

Roast beef, chicken tortilla casserole, catfish nuggets, mashed potatoes and
gravy, green beans, zucchini, grilled cheese and vegetable soup, (this is an
excellent combination, you've got to try it!)  Dessert:  Brownies with M&Ms.



Sweet and sour meatballs, Frito casserole, fish sticks, steamed white rice,
broccoli, corn, Chef's Choice on the grill, chips, and dessert.


Have a fantastic weekend,




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