[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. March 10

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Mar 10 10:45:29 CST 2016

Hi folks,


We've almost made it to Spring Break.  Hang in there.  The rest of the week
will be over before you know it.  Then everyone will have a whole week to do
other things, whether playing, working, vacationing (take me with you), or
whatever.  Do whatever makes you happy.


Very Happy Birthday wishes go out to the resident "Bug Lady", Professor Pat
Ratliff, who has a soft spot in her heart for all the misunderstood little
critters, good or bad, that we very often step on or overlook, (until they
bite or sting us anyway), but which are very important to our very
existence.  Have a great day, Pat!


I'd like to encourage everyone to make a special effort to attend the Spring
Concert put on by Eastern's Music Department this evening at 7:00 in
Mitchell Auditorium.  According to recent emails concerning budget cuts,
this will probably be the last concert by Eastern's Music Department.
Please come and show these fine students and their wonderful teacher some
appreciation for all the many performances the department has given here at
Eastern for decades.   Music can make you feel many things, happy, sad,
suspenseful, romantic, silly, but the loss of music is a very sad thing.  We
were fortunate to talk international student Igor Leal, into serenading us
in the cafeteria this morning with a beautiful song that he wrote, sang and
played on the guitar.  I hope to see him in the concert this evening.   


Our Lunch menu for today includes:

Baked ham, chicken linguini, Swedish meatballs, white rice, ranch beans,
corn, carrots, crinkle cut fries, burgers, subs,

Waffles, pizza.  Soup:  Vegetable with beef.  Dessert:  Chocolate cake.



Chicken quesadillas, sausage with red peppers and onions, beef tacos,
Spanish rice, pinto beans, California blend vegetables, broccoli, burgers,


Have a great day,




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