[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. May 2

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon May 2 10:35:37 CDT 2016

Hi folks,


This week is the countdown to graduation, that all important day all our
sophomores have waited on for two years now!  Hard to believe it's gone by
so quickly!


We'll be having another busy week here in the Cafeteria, starting with the
Choctaw Nation Success Team dinner this evening and finishing up with the
graduation on Friday.    


Our Lunch menu for today includes:

BBQ rib patty, cocktail franks, ranch beans, black eye peas, Brussels
sprouts, Mashed potatoes and gravy, fried new potatoes, cauliflower,
spinach.  Soup:  Cream of asparagus.  Dessert:  Rice Krispie treats.


Be kind to one another,


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