[Eoscstudents] Fight The Flu

Amy Armstrong aarmstrong at eosc.edu
Fri Nov 1 08:27:19 CDT 2019



Get a Clue to Fight the Flu

BLR - Business & Legal Resources

Flu season is upon us, and while you can't prevent anyone from coming to
work while sick, you can use the following tips to decrease your chances of
getting sick:

*	Get vaccinated. Vaccination is the most important way to prevent the
spread of the flu.
*	Stay home. If you're sick, don't come to work. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention recommends that those who have a fever and
respiratory symptoms stay home until 24 hours after their fever ends without
the use of medication.
*	Wash your hands frequently. Use soap and water and wash for a full
20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand
*	Avoid touching the nose, mouth, and eyes.
*	Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or cough and sneeze into
your upper sleeve.
*	Keep frequently touched common surfaces like phones and computer
equipment clean.
*	Try not to use a co-worker's phone, desk, office computer or other
work tools and equipment. If you must, consider cleaning the device first
with a disinfectant.

Practice other good health habits. Clean and disinfect frequently touched
surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty
of sleep, stay physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids
and eat nutritious food







Amy Armstrong

Vice President of Administrative Services

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 W. Main

Wilburton, OK 74578

P: 918-465-1777

F: 918-465-4421

aarmstrong at eosc.edu <mailto:aarmstrong at eosc.edu> 





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