[Eoscstudents] Bible Chair and Chess Club

Bryan Denny bdenny at eosc.edu
Thu Sep 5 15:01:16 CDT 2019

Eastern Students,

The Bible Chair (610 SW 11th Ave. Wilburton OK 74578) would be pleased to
host a chess club for the college. If enough students are interested, it
might be possible, in the future, to actually field a chess team through
the club on behalf of the college.
The Bible Chair is well suited to being able to host such a club due to the
fact that they have both a main room with sufficient seating capacity and 2
side rooms as well as a fully equipped kitchen and sufficiently powerful
coffee maker (since serious chess players know that coffee can be a must
when playing).  John Kitchens, the Bible Chair Director, is well acquainted
with the mechanics of chess, the necessities of a club organization, and
how to interact with officials for purposes of potential team coordination
and entrance into tournaments.

If you are interested in joining the Mountaineers who specialize in the
Royal Game, please be sure to email John at  jkitchens84 at yahoo.com as
quickly as possible.

You will need the following information in order to join:

Freshman or Sophomore
USCF or FIDE Rating (if known)
Number of Tournaments in which you participated and Standing Received in
Any specializations, e.g.: endgame specialist, tactical specialist, opening
specialist, etc.

We welcome anyone who wants to learn the mysteries of the 64 squares!
thank you for your time.

Bryan Denny
Director of Student Life
Criminal Justice Chair/C.O.P. Director
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main Wilburton OK  74578
Ph: (918) 465-1818  Fax: (918) 465-4494
bdenny at eosc.edu
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