[Eoscstudents] grade option for Spring 2020

Karen Harrison kdharrison at eosc.edu
Wed Apr 8 18:21:01 CDT 2020

To Eastern Oklahoma State College Students:

Eastern Oklahoma State College is committed to your academic success and
progress towards degree completion.  To those ends, Eastern has adopted the
following grading policy to include an option for pass/no-pass (P/NP)
grading for the Spring 2020 semester:

1.       Eastern faculty will assign letter grades as planned for the
Spring 2020 semester.

2.       We will provide students the option to change a letter grade for a
Spring 2020 course to P/NP for one week following the posting of spring
2020 grades.  A student who has been assigned a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, or
“D” may request the grade change to “P”.  A student who has been assigned a
grade of “F” may request the grade change to “NP”.  Both the “P” and “NP”
are grade neutral.  The grade of “P” will count in hours earned for

3.       For the Spring 2020 semester, a student’s selection of P/NP will
not negatively affect their academic standing, including academic probation

4.       Once a student elects to change from a standard letter grade to
P/NP, the student cannot later request the grade be reversed to the
original letter grade.

5.       Students must submit the request for a grade change for each class
beginning on May 19.  Grade change requests must be submitted no later than
May 27 through a link on the Registrar’s page on  Eastern’s website.

6.       The change of grade request will inform the students of possible
implications of changing a grade to P/NP on admission to programs such as
nursing and other allied health programs, pre-requisite course requirements
and potential course transfer.

7.       Financial Aid will count grades of “P” as a passed class with no
effect on GPA.  Students who choose to receive grades of “NP” will be
considered the same as a grade of “F” for financial aid
purposes.   Satisfactory academic progress will be more flexible the Spring
2020 semester based on the CARES Act, so students may appeal a financial
aid suspension due to problems that resulted from interruptions of study
related to COVID-19.

 Please let me know if you have questions.

Karen D. Harrison, PhD
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs
Eastern Oklahoma State College
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