[Eoscstudents] Duties of an ESGA officer

Eastern Student Government esga at eosc.edu
Fri Apr 16 10:38:24 CDT 2021

This should have sent this out along with my previous email.  For anyone
interested in the duties of an ESGA officer as defined by our current

*Article IV – Duties of Officers*

*Section 1: The duties of the President shall be:*

To preside at all meetings of the Student Senate and Student body.

To call special meetings of the Student Senate and the Student body.

To appoint the membership of all Student Senate Committees.

To vote on any question from the Student Senate in case of a tie.

To require written reports of all officers and committees.

To countersign all disbursement orders issued by the Senate Treasurer

To submit a written report of Senate activities at the end of each

To represent the Student Senate before any official faculty group when

To serve as ex-officio member of all Student Senate Committees.

To provide leadership in executing any service function of the Student

To represent all students before the Senate to the best interest of the
students and the College.

To make appointments to any position created by the Student Senate subject
to Senate confirmation.

To make recommendations for legislation to the Student Senate. This shall
occur at the beginning of each academic session and at any other time
deemed necessary by the President.

*Section 2: The duties of the Vice President shall be:*

To perform all the duties of the President in his absence.

To represent all students before the Senate to the best interest of the
students and the College at all times.

To serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

To be Executive Coordinator of all committees.

To vote on any measure before the Student Senate as a delegated power of
the constitution.

*Section 3: The duties of the Secretary shall be:*

To keep a record of all Student Senate proceedings and attendance.

To notify organizations whose senators are delinquent in attendance.

To serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

To send notices, bulletins, etc., to the advisors, respective Deans,
President of the College, and to all other parties necessary.

To vote on measure before the Student Senate as a delegated power of the
constitution. A cumulative roll call and voting record for each
representative per semester shall be kept by the Secretary.

*Section 4: The duties of the Treasurer shall be:*

To receive and properly care for in accordance with College policy all
monies or other property of the Student Senate.

To maintain accurate records of all receipts and expenditures.

To issue and sign all disbursement orders for expenditures of Senate

To represent all students before the Senate to the best interest of the
Students and the College.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mr. O'Neal

ESGA Adviser

1301 W. Main Street
Wilburton, OK 74578
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