[Eoscstudents] Student Timesheets are due February 28 by 5:00pm!

Mikayla Vandaveer mvandaveer at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 24 13:40:10 CST 2022

*Reminder for Student Timesheets*

1.     Students will have until 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the pay period
to complete and submit the time to their supervisor. (Example: Pay period
end – Aug. 31st, Submit time *on or before* 5:00 p.m. Aug. 31st)

2.     Supervisor will receive an e-mail that there is time waiting to be

3.     Supervisors will have until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day to
approve or reject the timecard. (Example: Pay period ends – Aug. 31st,
Approve/Reject time by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday Sept. 3rd. Monday Sept. 2nd is
a holiday so time will be due for approval on the 3rd.)

4.     Student will receive an e-mail that their time has either been
approved or rejected.

5.     Each supervisor has an alternate supervisor listed who will have
access to approve or reject student time if you are unavailable.

6.     Once the supervisor has approved the time, the student will receive
an e-mail notification.

7.     The timecard information is submitted directly into the Payroll

8.     You may also submit your time before the end of the month.
(Example:  If you have worked all your hours for the month by the 20th, you
can submit those hours then.)

*9.     **Please keep in mind…time not submitted/approved by the deadline
will be paid with the next pay period. The student will have to: 1.
Complete a paper time sheet for hours worked 2. Have supervisor
sign timesheet 3. Bring timesheet to HR office. If you do not enter data by
the deadline date, the system takes the option away for the previous
month.  The same for supervisors approving their students timesheets.*

*Student payroll pays out on the 12th of each month. (Example: August hours
will pay out on Sept. 12th) If the 12th falls on a weekend or holiday it
will pay out the business day previous.*

Mikayla Vandaveer

Payroll & Benefits Coordinator

Eastern Oklahoma State College

1301 West Main St

Wilburton, OK 74578

P: (918)465-1760

F: (918)465-4404
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