[Eoscstudents] Choctaw Hall/Johnston Hall Parking

Alton Jones ajones725 at eosc.edu
Wed May 3 14:58:02 CDT 2023

Coaches, Ag, Dorm Coordinators, RA's, and Students,
Each year during graduation it is a challenge for family members and loved
ones to find parking on campus, especially for disabled parking.  As you
are well aware there isn't much parking on campus as it is without
visitors.  Coaches, Ag, Dorm Coordinators, and RA's please help me by
informing your respective athletes or aggie students to refrain from
parking behind Choctaw Hall and Johnston Hall, and from in front of
the Radio Station at Baker Hall on Friday.  All  students who reside on
campus in these two dorms *MUST* have their vehicles moved from these
parking lots and parked at Miller Hall by 12:00pm on Friday May 5th.  Dorm
Coordinators and RA's, I am depending on your help by getting the word out
to your residents and by assisting campus police in monitoring the parking
lots. Also, disabled parking will be in the parking spaces in front of
Johnston Hall, in front of the gym, and in front of the radio station in
the Baker Hall parking lot. I don't want grandma, grandpa, mom, or dad to
have to walk across campus to see their loved one graduate. Anyone that
does not comply may be cited and may be subject to not receiving their
college transcripts until the citation is settled. Thank you all for your
cooperation, congratulations on your success, and good luck in your
future endeavours.

Alton L. Jones
Campus Police Chief
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Phone: 918-465-1739
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