[Eoscstudents] Yes, you can take Global Humanties II without first taking Global Humanities I...

Jason Miller jemiller at eosc.edu
Mon Nov 27 10:11:57 CST 2023

Time for my biannual reminder that Global Humanities I is NOT a prerequisite
for Global Humanities II!  Students looking to fulfill a Humanities
requirement are welcome to register for Global Humanities II, which is
being offered in the spring semester online and on both Wilburton and
McAlester campuses.

Global I and Global II courses look at world cultures through the lens of
art, music, literature, religion (and more!), but cover different time
periods.  *Global Humanities I *covers prehistory through the Middle Ages,
while *Global Humanities II* picks up at the Renaissance and continues
through today.  You can take either class without taking the other!


Jason Miller
Humanities Professor/Department Chair
Honors Program Director
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Pratt 202

*Disability is the next frontier of inclusion.*
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