[Eoscstudents] Are you a Choctaw, Freshman student attending EOSC this Fall?

Carmen Juarez mjuarez at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 23 10:52:54 CDT 2024

Are you a Freshman student who is a tribal member of the Choctaw Nation of
Oklahoma and currently taking 12 or more hours this Fall? You may be
eligible to participate in the Choctaw Nation College Freshman Year
Initiative program. I am the College Counselor for this program at Eastern.
Come by my office in Johnston 122 on the Wilburton campus, email me at
mjuarez at eosc.edu, or call me at either of the numbers below to see if you
qualify. I look forward to hearing from you.

<https://www.choctawnation.com/> Melissa Juarez
College Counselor - Eastern Oklahoma State College | College Freshman Year
580-775-0568 | 918-465-1705
mjuarez at choctawnation.com

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