[Lender] Electronic Signature Conference Call

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Fri Apr 27 11:52:30 CDT 2001

	A Town Hall Meeting on Electronic Signatures is being hosted by CBA,
EFC, NACUBO, NASFAA, NCHELP and SLSA and is scheduled for May 3, 2001 from
1-3 PM Eastern Time (12-2 Central).  Schools, lenders and guarantors have
been invited to participate via conference call.  Costs for the call are
being covered by the various associations and the dial in number is toll
free.  The agenda  includes an Overview of the PIN model (the proposed
process) developed by the Department of Education, School Perspectives on
E-Signatures, an FFELP Panel Discussion and General Discussion with Q & A's
from schools and lenders.  

	Conference Call Information:

	Dial in Number (877) 797-1770
	Moderator- Patty Sullivan (SLSA)
	Group Name-  Electronic Signatures

	Listed below is a link to some background documents on the NCHELP
website.  Please be aware that although these documents are fairly
technical, the call is expected to include both operational and policy
issues as well.

	Client Relations
	(800) 247-0420

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