[Lender] fraud poster

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Wed Aug 22 13:44:15 CDT 2001

The Fraud posters have now been mailed to the counselors at all Oklahoma
High Schools.  For information purposes, we are providing you with copies of
the letter to counselors and the OLAC member list that were sent with the
posters.  As mentioned in a previous e-mail,  we will be sending each member
on the OLAC list a CD/ROM with both the Fraud poster and flyer in PDF

If you have any questions, please contact OGSLP Client Relations at
(405)234-4329 or (800)247-0420 or e-mail us at "clientrelations at ogslp.org".

 <<olacounselrfraud.doc>>  <<counselor list olac members 2001.xls>> 

Client Relations
PO Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000
(405)234-4329  or (800)247-0420 
fax: (405)234-4459
email:  clientrelations at ogslp.org

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