[Lender] OGSLP Unveils New Website

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Thu Jul 12 16:42:45 CDT 2001

Listed below is a link to the new and improved OGSLP website!  The new site
is loaded with helpful items for borrowers, schools and lenders.  This is
just the start.  We will continue to upgrade and enhance the site based on
feedback from you, our client.  

Students looking for student loan information 24/7, will find many resources
describing the types of loans available, the application process and
participants who can help them through the process.   Students (as well as
clients) can also get answers within 24 hours to questions submitted
on-line.  Delinquent borrowers will find rich text describing the different
deferment and forbearance options as well as money management tips designed
to keep them out of default.  In addition to ordering supplies and
publications on-line, school and lender clients can now access the OGSLP
School/Lender directories.  We've also added an OLAC Corner for on-going
news and activities within the lending community.  

The site has a fresh new look and feel, designed to make your web visit a
more pleasing and productive one!  Try it out today.  The site may have
dramatically changed, but the address remains www.ogslp.org	


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