[Lender] Summer OKlahoma Lender Advisory Council (OLAC) Meeting

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Wed Jul 18 10:53:28 CDT 2001

Sandra Welch, OLAC President, has suggested that the summer OLAC meeting be
held on Friday, July 27th.   Sorry for the short notice, but the month of
August was avoided due to lender involvement with peak processing and fall
disbursement activities on various campuses.  Therefore, the meeting will be
held on Friday, July 27th at 10:00 a.m. here in the OGSLP conference room.
Some of the suggested agenda topics will include an update on the August
High School Counselor Fraud Flyer/Poster mailing, an update from Ron Hancock
on the OASFAA Community Relations Committee activities, the OASFAA
newsletter, potential activity regarding the 2003 Interest Rate Issue, the
OLAC Corner on OGSLP's new website, and other potential areas of interest
for the group.  Hope you are able to attend and see you there!  Thanks. Rick

Rick Edington, Associate Director                                        
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Claims, Lender & Accounting Services                                      
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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