[Lender] Correction to Common Manual Update (CM-53)

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Thu Jun 7 11:57:45 CDT 2001

OGSLP was notified by the Common Manual Governing Board of another change to
be made to Common Manual Update (CM-53). This error is in addition to the
omissions we had previously notified you on May 21, 2001.

Listed below are the corrections and attached is the revised update (CM-53)
for your reference (see attached PDF file). This corrected update has also
been posted to OGSLP's web site. If you have any questions, please contact
Client Relations. Thank you.

Corrections to CM-53:

Economic Hardship Deferment

The second to the last sentence currently reads as follows:
"...Any retroactive period of economic hardship granted under this revised
policy must include July 1,
2000, or a later date...."

The date should be corrected to reflect a July 1, 2001 date. Therefore, it
should read as follows: "...must include July 1, 2001, or a later date."


Client Relations
(405) 234-4329 or 1-800-247-0420
Fax - (405) 234-4459
clientrelations at ogslp.org

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