[Lender] Student Attending Foreign School

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Tue Jun 12 13:49:38 CDT 2001

OGSLP has received a request from a student that is attending a foreign
institution and looking for a lender to process his loan.  The school is
Jagiellonian Univ Collegium Medicum in Poland.  He has approached a couple
of lenders but has been denied because he doesn't have prior loans with
them.  I checked NSLDS and he only had one loan in the past (1990) and it
was cancelled, so he really doesn't have any prior loans.

If you are interested in processing his loan, please let me know and I will
give him each lender's name that responds.  It is very expensive for him to
call overseas and the time zones are difficult to work with.

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