[Lender] Product Forum Dates

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Mon Mar 19 15:17:29 CST 2001

As you will recall, there was discussion at the last OLAC meeting about
having a 
"Product Forum" for lenders sometime towards the end of March.  This day
would be devoted to presentations by various organizations that sponsor
school based loan processing systems.  OGSLP is still planning on hosting
such an event, however the actual date will need to be sometime in late
April or during the month of May.  Please let us know of late April or May
dates that will NOT work for you and we will attempt to plan around them.
Thanks for your input!  Rick

Rick Edington, Associate Director                                        
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Claims, Lender & Accounting Services                                      
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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