[Lender] NetWizard GDSD Module Corrected

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Fri Sep 21 14:26:42 CDT 2001

September 21, 2001

OGSLP would like to announce that the Guarantee and Disbursement Servicing
Data (GDSD) module of NetWizard has been corrected.  All change transaction
types, including changes for non-lender fund management disbursed loans are
now appearing on our reports.   If your staff has been processing changes
through the status change e-mail address, by phone, or by fax, you may once
again utilize the NetWizard Guarantee and Disbursement Servicing Data
module.  As always, the e-mail, phone, or fax options continue to be
available.   If you have any questions, please contact OGSLP Client
Relations at (405)234-4329 or (800)247-0420.  Thank you.

Client Relations
PO Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000
(405)234-4329  or (800)247-0420 
fax: (405)234-4459
email:  clientrelations at ogslp.org

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