[Lender] Recent Terrorist Attack- Persons Affected by Military Mobilizatio n

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Tue Sep 25 11:32:38 CDT 2001

As a result of the recent terrorist attacks on the United States, on
September 14, 2001, President Bush authorized the call-up of members of the
National Guard and the Ready Reserve to active duty.

The Department of Education has issued GEN-01-13 to assist members of the
military who have been reassigned or activated as a result of the recent
terrorist attacks.  The letter discusses ways for lenders, colleges and
universities to provide loan obligation relief for impacted borrowers in the
FFELP, Direct Loan, and Perkins Loan programs.

GEN-01-13 is the third letter in a series that provides guidance regarding
the administration of the Title IV programs as a result of the terrorist
attacks on the United States.  GEN-01-11 addressed the immediate needs of
borrowers who are in repayment on federal student loans, and GEN-01-12
discussed upcoming institutional deadlines that may affect certain schools.
To view the third and most recent letter GEN-01-13 click on the link below.


If you have any questions, contact OGSLP Client Relations (405) 234-4329 or
(800) 247-0240.

Client Relations
P.O. Box 3000
OKC, OK 73101-3000
fax: (405) 234-4459
email: clientrelations at ogslp.org      

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