[Lender] OLAC Meeting Scheduled for January 25th

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Tue Jan 8 14:49:56 CST 2002

The Oklahoma Lender Advisory Committee (OLAC) will be meeting on Friday,
January 25th in the OGSLP conference room.  The meeting will begin at 9:30
A.M.  There is alot going on in the world of student loans, so hope you can
make it to join in on the lively discussions!  

Potential agenda topics include Electronic Signatures in the Marketplace,
Status Change Process Enhancements, Negotiated Rulemaking,  2003 Interest
Rate Legislation, Privacy Issues and Loan Product updates.  Please contact
Sandra or I with any additional topics you would like covered during the

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you later this month!  

Rick Edington, Associate Director for                                       
Operations & Client Services
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program                                    
redington at ogslp.org         
(800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4391


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