[Lender] OGSLP Names New Executive Director

Client Relations ClientRelations at ogslp.org
Mon Jan 14 16:23:45 CST 2002

> January 14, 2002
> OGSLP Names New Executive Director
> The Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program (OGSLP) is pleased to
> announce the appointment of Mary Mowdy as Executive Director. 
> ==========================================================================
> ======
> (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education -- Press Release)
> Mowdy Named Executive Director for State Student Loan Agency
> The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently announced the
> appointment of Norman resident Mary Mowdy to the executive director
> position for the Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program (OGSLP), a
> division of the State Regents that serves as the primary guarantor of
> federal loans for Oklahoma students, colleges and universities.
> Mowdy, who served as interim director for the OGSLP for more than six
> months, is responsible for approximately 140 agency employees and an
> operating budget of more than $13 million. Since it's inception in 1965,
> OGSLP has guaranteed more than $3.7 billion in student loans.
> "The State Regents are thrilled that Mary has enthusiastically accepted
> this promotion," Chancellor Hans Brisch said. "She did an excellent job as
> interim director and proved that she belongs in the position. Her years of
> experience in higher education and in the financial aid arena have
> undoubtedly prepared her for this post."
> A Tulsa native, Mowdy started at OGSLP on April 17, 1995, as USAGroup
> Services Liaison, managing the established OGSLP/USAGroup contract on a
> daily basis. Two days later, however, she was critically injured when the
> explosion of the Murrah Federal Building rocked the agency.
> A little more than a year later, the State Regents promoted Mowdy to
> assistant director for the Customer Services Division of OGSLP and
> subsequently to associate director. As associate director, she implemented
> new services for customers and increased the agency's visibility in the
> higher education community.
> Mowdy is not new to Oklahoma higher education. She holds a Bachelor of
> Arts in psychology from the University of Oklahoma and worked in OU's
> Financial Aid Services from 1984-1993, serving as its senior financial aid
> counselor, assistant director and finally interim director, administering
> multi-million-dollar student financial aid programs for the university.
> She also served as a financial aid program officer at Oklahoma City
> Community College from 1980-1984.
> Before her arrival at OGSLP, Mowdy served two years as director of
> education finance for Union Bank and Trust in Lincoln, Neb., and was
> responsible for marketing student loans to educational institutions and
> potential borrowers throughout Oklahoma.
> "Mary graciously accepted the role as interim director last May," State
> Regents' Chairman Joe Mayer said. "During the last six months, she has
> shown the leadership qualities and people skills that we deemed important
> to the executive director position. We are looking forward to working with
> her for many years to come."
> ******************************************************
> Client Relations
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
> clientrelations at ogslp.org         
> (800) 247-0420; (405) 234-4329
> Fax:  (405) 234-4459
> ******************************************************

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