[Lender] FW: It's FIXED---Airborne Express Delivery Problem at OU

Mc Conahay, Pamela K pmcconahay at ou.edu
Fri Mar 22 10:18:54 CST 2002

Just an FYI to everyone, our delivery problem has been fixed.  (Did Tim
finally learn his route?  No, Tim QUIT.  The little chicken probably heard I
was after him....the two times he actually delivered stuff to our office, he
just dropped the envelopes at the front desk and ran.  It couldn't have
anything to do with the 3 calls I made to Airborne, now could it?)  

The REALLY good news is EDDIE IS BACK!!!  Yes, Eddie liked delivering to OU
& Norman so well that he actually switched companies (each "station" is a
separate contractor to Airborne) so he could get his old route back.  We're
SOOOO happy, luv!!!

Pam McConahay
Asst Dir., Compliance & Support Svcs
University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
731 Elm, Rm 125, Norman OK 73019-2111
(405) 325-4617, fax (405) 325-7608
pmcconahay at ou.edu 

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Pam McConahay [mailto:pmcconahay at ou.edu]  On Behalf Of Mc
> Conahay, Pamela K
> Sent:	Wednesday, March 06, 2002 9:47 AM
> To:	'OLAC-L (E-mail)'
> Cc:	Blanton, Erika; Hall, Gerry S; Kellner, Delia I; Little Charley,
> Linda M; Robins, Dee L; Smith, Violet R; Cowan, Eloise; Hosek, Larry J
> Subject:	Airborne Express Delivery Problem at OU
> Dear Lenders, Servicers & Guarantors:  
> Have you ever thought everything was going really smoothly, and then some
> little niggling thing comes up and has the potential to really screw
> things up?!    Well, it seems to be happening to us.  
> We get a lot of deliveries of checks via Airborne Express.  For years, our
> Airborne guy "Eddie" has been a fixture on campus, knows everybody, knows
> every office, works his behind off.....he's English and calls everyone
> "luv" and sends us postcards when he goes to England on vacation.  We just
> LOVE Eddie.  
> Airborne Express transferred the Norman/OU route to another
> "station"----so, Friday was Eddie's last day as our guy. We were very sad.
> Guess what.....we haven't received any Airborne deliveries since Monday,
> when Tim, the new guy, took over Eddie's route. 
> We heard today (from the Fed Ex and UPS guys who are loving every minute
> of this) that Tim can't find anything at OU and has started returning
> Airborne packages because he can't deliver them.
> I just alerted the two servicers we know use Airborne for their check
> deliveries (Sallie Mae and Loanstar) that packages may come back and
> should be re-sent. I thought I'd alert all of you in case you've used
> Airborne since Friday that your packages may come back.  THERE IS NOTHING
> Guess who I'm going to call next?  Yeah.  Airborne.    Wouldn't you all
> like to be a fly on the wall for THAT call?!!!
> Pam McConahay
> Asst Dir., Compliance & Support Svcs
> University of Oklahoma Financial Aid Services
> 731 Elm, Rm 125, Norman OK 73019-2111
> (405) 325-4617, fax (405) 325-7608
> pmcconahay at ou.edu 

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