[Lender] OLAC Members

Wright, Matthew matthew.wright at slxpress.com
Mon Aug 27 11:25:57 CDT 2007

OLAC Members,



The request was made at the OLAC Meeting,  that OLAC consider providing
lunch for an OASFAA training activity. Here's the basic information. The
event is the annual SWASFAA Decentralized Training.  All schools in the
state are invited to participate. The lunch will be a box lunch (under
$10) purchased from a local caterer. We anticipate between 120-150


The June 12 NPRM addressing inducements lists as a permissible activity
for lenders "Sponsorship of meals, refreshments, and receptions for
school officials or employees that are reasonable in cost and that are
scheduled in conjunction with meeting or conference events if those
functions are open to all meeting or conference attendees." While this
NPRM is not a law, it does indicate that sponsoring a meal at a training
function such as the SWASFAA Decentralized Training would not be
contrary to Congressional intent. 


At the same time, we know that some lenders have signed codes of conduct
that do not allow them to provide meals to schools.  I am going to take
a vote and I need your answer by COB tomorrow.  Just a simple yes to
sponsor or no to not sponsor would be great.  Please respond to me
directly by e-mail.




Matthew Wright

Student Loan Xpress

Vice President, Regional Accounts


(918) 269-9439

matthew.wright at slxpress.com <mailto:matthew.wright at slxpress.com> 



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