[Lender] Request for Information- Potential Topics & Speakers for Friday Morning OASFAA Session

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Tue Aug 14 11:03:54 CDT 2007

As discussed in last week's lender meeting, the OASFAA Program Committee
is interested in the possibility of OLAC providing a professional
development speaker for the Friday morning general session.  The OASFAA
session is scheduled for Friday morning, October 26th.  The consensus at
the meeting was that we would like to provide the Program Committee with
a list of potential speakers and subjects based on an inventory of
available resources within our own organizations.  

If your organization has a Speakers Bureau or other staff that routinely
provides professional development related training, please provide me
with a listing of potential topics and speakers that could be considered
for this request by no later than Friday, August 24th.   I will provide
OLAC members with a compilation of the information received prior to
providing options to the Program Committee.  

Thanks in advance for any information.  


Rick Edington
Director for Operations & Client Services
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
Phone:  (405) 234-4333
Fax:  (405) 234-4551
redington at ogslp.org

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