[Lender] Special Allowance Rates

GSL Communications gslcommunications at ogslp.org
Thu Jan 4 15:57:00 CST 2007

> The Department of Education (ED) has released the special allowance
> rates for the quarter ending December 31, 2006. The average of the
> bond equivalent rates of the 91-day Treasury bills auctioned during
> the quarter ending December 31, 2006, is 5.03 percent. The average of
> the bond equivalent rates of the quotes of the 3-month commercial
> paper (financial) rates in effect for each of the days in the quarter
> ending December 31, 2006, is 5.38 percent. 
> Below is a link to view ED's announcement regarding the new rates. If
> you have any questions, please contact Policy, Compliance, and
> Training at 405.234.4432 or 800.247.0420. Thank you.
> http://www.ifap.ed.gov/ffelspecrates/SAPmemo01042007.html
> Communications 
> 405.234.4440 or 800.247.0420 
> gslcommunications at ogslp.org 
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