[Lender] College Goal Sunday Preparation/Packaging Meeting (February 2nd, 2007)

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Fri Jan 19 15:02:10 CST 2007

The date for packaging supplies for College Goal Sunday has been set for Friday, February 2nd, at 8:30 a.m. in OGSLP's conference room.  We have consolidated all the supplies already provided by the lenders and will evenly distribute these between the sites and box them up for delivery.  If you plan to contribute we will gladly accept donated supplies either prior to the packaging date or you may bring them with you if you plan on assisting us on Friday.

If you haven't assisted in a "packaging meeting" before, they are really fun.  While our hands are actually working, our minds are free to "roam about the cabin" and have lively conversation.  If that doesn't entice you to participate, maybe the offer of a continental breakfast provided by OGSLP will.  If you would like to volunteer to deliver the supplies to a particular site between February 5th through the 9th, that would be helpful.

For any additional needs or information listed below, please contact Patricia Johnson at (405) 234-4297 or pjohnson at ogslp.org.
*	Driving directions to OGSLP
*	Volunteering to deliver supplies to a particular site
*	Offering of supplies for the CGS event

As a reminder, the actual College Goal Sunday event will be held on Sunday, February 11th, 2007.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you again for your partnership with OGSLP in this important event.  

Penny Gandy
Client Solutions Manager
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
PO Box 3000
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
Ph (405) 234-4364  Fx (405) 234-4553
e-mail  pgandy at ogslp.org

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