[Lender] OASFAA Sponsorship

Kelli Kelnar kelli.kelnar at efsi.net
Mon Jul 9 11:51:05 CDT 2007

Dear Colleagues,


The OASFAA Board recently met to discuss the upcoming conference fee
structure and the response we may get from all of you regarding sponsorship,
fees, etc.  In an effort to help the board make decisions regarding what may
work best with your company's code of conduct can you please provide some
feedback to the questions below?  Please return your responses to me by
Friday, July 20.  Thanks so much!


-Could you pay an annual fee to be part of OASFAA (as you may currently pay

-Will you still be allowed to exhibit and pay for table space at the

-How much could you pay as an exhibitor fee for the OASFAA Conference?

-How much could you pay as a registration fee for OASFAA?

-Please provide any comments you feel will be helpful to the OASFAA Board.


Please be aware that OASFAA will be unable to have the current conference
sponsorship levels going forward.  We welcome your opinions or ideas on how
the lending community can best help support OASFAA within the rigors of
their current code of conduct.  Thanks for your assistance!


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair

kelli.kelnar at efsi.net



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