[Lender] OASFAA Conference Registration - Fall 2007

Kelli Kelnar kelli.kelnar at efsi.net
Mon Oct 8 23:37:42 CDT 2007



Just a reminder that the OASFAA Corporate registration is live on our
website.  Check it out at:  http://oasfaa.ou.edu/index.html.  Everyone must
complete both the Corporate AND Corporate Individual forms to complete their
registration.  I have sent invoices to all who have registered correctly.
These invoices were sent to the designated contact person only.  If you have
not received anything from me as of today your registration is not complete.
Please note the registration deadline date is Friday, October 12.  The late
fee is $250.  Your payment for OASFAA is not due by October 12, but you must
have correctly registered by the deadline to avoid the late charge.  If you
have any questions please let me know.  After our deadline date I will
contact you with more specific information about the conference.  Thank you!


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Relations Chair

EFSI - Brazos Student Lending

405-752-8900  Phone

405-752-8901  Fax

kelli.kelnar at efsi.net


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