[Lender] Reminder- Oklahoma Lender Advisory Council (OLAC) Meeting on Monday (10/15)

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Wed Oct 10 08:40:37 CDT 2007

Posted on behalf of Angie Carver, OLAC President 
October 15, 2007- OLAC Meeting Agenda (OGSLP Conference Room) 

(Pre-meeting workgroup) 
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Best Practices Workgroup ** Workgroup Members Listed

10:30 AM - 1:00 PM- General OLAC Meeting (box lunch provided) 
OASFAA Fall Conference 
Budget Reconciliation & Other Legislative Updates 
OGSLP/Industry Updates 
Potential Funding Activities: 
Update on Oklahoma Money Matters (OKMM) Partnership Project 
New Funding Ideas? 
Best Practices Workgroup Update 
Operational Workgroup Update 
Default Prevention School Tool (DPST) Overview 
Other Items for Discussion/New Business 
Next meeting Date 
**Best Practices Workgroup Participants: 
Angie Carver 
Kay Brezny 
Monique Jackson 
Diane Hogue 
Anthony Spano 
Ron Hancock 
Penny Gandy 
Rick Edington 
Angie Carver
Student Loan Acct. Rep
(405) 514-3714 (Cell)
(405) 470-3395 (office)
angie.carver at commercebank.com 

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