[Lender] OLAC Meeting Reminder...(forgot to mention)

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Fri Feb 15 17:15:01 CST 2008

Friday's are "Jeans Day" at OGSLP, so feel free to wear your blue jeans.
See you then!!

Penny Gandy

> _____________________________________________ 
> From: 	Gandy, Penny  
> Sent:	Friday, February 15, 2008 4:02 PM
> To:	lender at onenet.net
> Cc:	McKeown, Gentry
> Subject:	OLAC Meeting Reminder (Friday, February 22nd, OGSLP
> Conference Room)
> Reminder:
> The next OLAC meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 22nd, in the
> OGSLP Conference Room from 10:30-1:30.  The tentative agenda includes:
> *	Industry and Regulatory Updates
> *	OLAC Partnership Publication (Your Money Matters)
> *	Preferred Lender Lists--ELM and Simple Tuition
> Lunch will be provided by OGSLP, so if you have not sent your RSVP to
> Gentry McKeown (gmckeown at ogslp.org), please do so at this time.
> Angie Carver
> OLAC President
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> from reading, disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating, or
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