[Lender] OASFAA Conference

Kelli Kelnar k.kelnar at brazoslending.org
Mon Feb 25 14:53:02 CST 2008

Good Afternoon,


Just a quick note about the upcoming OASFAA Conference.  Conference dates
are April 2-4 at the Sheraton Hotel and Reed Conference Center.  Our hotel
reservation deadline is this Sunday, March 2nd.  You may call the
reservation line toll-free at 800-325-3535 or in the Oklahoma City area at
405-455-1800.  You may also make reservations by accessing the following
link:  Sheraton
664&key=8923E>  Midwest City Hotel at the Reed Conference Center.  The
OASFAA Conference rate is $89 per night. 


Our conference registration site will be up soon.  Please watch the listserv
for more information.  Once it's available, the registration deadline date
will be March 21.  After that time you will be charged a late registration


The tentative OASFAA program agenda is attached.  


Thanks so much!  If you have any questions please let me know.


Kelli Kelnar

OASFAA Corporate Chair

EFSI/Brazos Student Lending

(405) 752-8900   Phone

(405) 752-8901    Fax

(405) 535-6787    Cell

k.kelnar at brazoslending.org


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