[Lender] OKMM/OLAC Your Money Matters guide

Caddell, Angela acaddell at ogslp.org
Fri Jun 20 14:32:59 CDT 2008

Good afternoon!  


Several weeks ago, we shared with you that the OLAC and OKMM co-branded
Your Money Matters college guides were available for distribution.
We're happy to announce that a large supply of the high school guides is
now also available for summer activities and back-to-school events you
may have planned.  If you attended the last OLAC meeting, you probably
received a copy of this publication.


As a reminder, rather than limiting the number of copies each OLAC
member can use, we're making copies of both the college and high school
guides available to OLAC members on a first-come, first-served basis.
To request a supply for your event or activity, please contact Lacy
Myers, OKMM Communications Coordinator, at 405.234.4203 or
lmyers at ogslp.org.  A small supply will also be available at the OGSLP
Annual Conference <http://ogslp.org/OGSLP/conferences.shtml>  next
Wednesday, June 25.  


If you have questions, let me know.  We look forward to continued
partnership with OLAC, and we hope to see you at our conference
<http://ogslp.org/OGSLP/conferences.shtml> !


Best wishes,




Angela O. Caddell 
Director for Communications, Financial Education, and Outreach 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program 
a division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
P.O. Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-3000 
405-234-4495 (direct)
800-522-8506 (TDD/TRS) 
800-970-OKMM (toll-free) 
405-234-4554 (fax) 
acaddell at ogslp.org <mailto:acaddell at ogslp.org>  
www.ogslp.org <http://www.ogslp.org/>  
www.oklahomamoneymatters.org <http://www.oklahomamoneymatters.org/>  

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