[Lender] SWASFAA Annual Conference - Corporate Registration / Exhibitor Information

Hancock, Ron Ron.Hancock at nelnet.net
Tue Sep 30 10:36:20 CDT 2008

Good morning,

I just wanted to send you a quick note to remind you that the annual
SWASFAA conference will be held Dec. 10-12 in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Corporate registration and exhibitor information will be available at
the SWASFAA website (www.swasfaa.org) very soon. In the interim, I
wanted to provide you with some initial information on exhibitor charges
and registration fees.

Exhibitor Charge: $3,000 to exhibit (includes two complimentary
individual registration fees)
Non-exhibitor Sponsor (for those organizations not exhibiting but
wishing to further support SWASFAA): $1,500 (includes one complimentary
individual registration fee)

Individual Registration Fee for the conference: $450 (this is for
attendees from organizations other than educational institutions)

Hotel Reservation Information:
Peabody Little Rock 
3 Statehouse Plaza 
Little Rock, AR 72201 
Hotel Reservations - (800) PEABODY (ask for Little Rock location) or
(501) 906-4000 
Online Group Code: 589026 
Group Name: SWASFAA
Cutoff Date: November 17, 2008

Again, additional details and electronic registration will be online
very soon. If you have any questions or need additional information,
please contact me. Thank you as always for your support of SWASFAA!

Ron Hancock - SWASFAA Corporate Sponsor Chair
Senior Vice President
Tulsa OK
918.369.1889 - office
405.826.4131 - cellular
ron.hancock at nelnet.net

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