[Lender] ED Releases Revised Documents, Seeks Comments on Attestation Engagement Guide, and Offers 9/26 Webinar

Edington, Rick redington at ogslp.org
Tue Sep 23 13:17:52 CDT 2008

Below are recent ED announcements regarding their liquidity programs:

Electronic Announcement #26
<http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/ffelp/library/EA26.doc>  - provides
revisions to several documents used in ED's liquidity programs,
*	Creation of separate Bill of Sale formats for each liquidity
*	Revisions to the Security Release Certification; and 
*	Introduction of a new Payee assignment form.

Electronic Announcement #27
<http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/ffelp/library/EA27.doc> - provides
information on the "Loan Transfer/Conversion File" to be used when
transmitting loan data to ED's servicer. 

Draft Attestation Engagement Guide Shared for Comments- ED has shared a
copy of the Draft Attestation Engagement Guide
<http://www.nchelp.org/elibrary/index.cfm?parent=373>  for its Loan
Participation Program and Loan Purchase Commitment Program with the
student loan community. Last week, the Office of Inspector General of
the U.S. Department of Education (ED) drafted the Agreed Upon Procedures
(AUP) Attestation Engagement Guide (the Guide) to be used by sponsors
under the ECASLA Loan Participation Program. These AUP engagements are
authorized under Section 8 of the Master Participation Agreement for the
Loan Participation Program and Section 5 of the Master Loan Sales
Agreement for the Loan Purchase Commitment Program. The Department of
Education has requested comments from the community by close of business
on September 23, 2008. Comments are to be submitted via email to
hugh.monaghan at ed.gov <mailto:hugh.monaghan at e d.gov>  and
jeffrey.nekrasz at ed.gov

Webinar Opportunity (Electronic Announcement #28)
<http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/ffelp/library/EA28.doc>  - announces a
Webinar opportunity focusing on both Loan Purchase Programs scheduled
for Friday, September 26 at 1:00 CST. Discussion topics will include:
*	Format of the final loan schedule-loan detail; 
*	Post-sale adjustments; 
*	Audit procedures; and 
*	Cash sweeping procedures.
If you have previously registered for past Webinars in the series, you
will be automatically registered for this event. Those that need to
register may do so here
<http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/ffelp/library/EA28.doc> . 

OGSLP will continue to keep you updated regarding these important

Rick Edington
Director for School/Lender Services, Default Prevention & Outreach
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
A division of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
P.O. Box 3000
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000
405-234-4333  fax: 405-234-4551

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