[Lender] OLAC Members--Officer Election (President Elect)

Gandy, Penny pgandy at ogslp.org
Tue Sep 16 17:16:12 CDT 2008

Just a quick note of thanks to OLAC for approving the motion to sponsor
lunch for the decentralized training to be held at the University of
Oklahoma on October 10th, 2008.  It is always a good thing to be able to
show support for these types of training events.
Before posting the nominated officers out to the group for voting, we
need one more nomination for the position of President Elect.  Please
send your nomination (you may also nominate yourself) to Rick Edington
<mailto: redington at ogslp.org>  or Penny Gandy <mailto: pgandy at ogslp.org>
as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday, September 17, 2008.
Thank you for your participation!

Penny Gandy 
School and Lender Support Services Manager 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
A Division of the State Regents for Higher Education 
PO Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000 
p. (405) 234-4364      f. (405) 234-4553 
(TDD/TRS) 800-522-8506 
pgandy at ogslp.org 

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From: Gandy, Penny 
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 5:04 PM
To: 'lender at onenet.net'
Subject: OLAC Members--Three Calls to Action (Deadline 9/12/08)

It has been a while since our last OLAC meeting, and there are a few
issues that need attention before the next meeting is called due to time
sensitivity, vacancies, and membership dues.  These items are:

*	Proposal made for OLAC to sponsor lunch for the October 10th
Decentralized Training at the University of Oklahoma 
*	Nominations of OLAC officers for the 08/09 term 
*	OLAC membership dues

Lunch Sponsorship
A proposal was made at the last meeting for OLAC to sponsor lunch at the
upcoming decentralized training.  So that arrangements can begin, this
proposal is being made to the OLAC members with the expectation that
anyone "opposing" this recommendation respond to Rick Edington <mailto:
redington at ogslp.org>  by Friday, September 12th.   If no opposing
e-mails are received, the motion will carry forward as approved and OLAC
will sponsor the lunch.
Nominations for OLAC Officers
Due to some unfortunate and unexpected changes in the lending industry,
we need to select officers for the term of 7/1/08 to 6/30/09.  A few
nominations have already been made and accepted, but we need to present
this to the entire membership to capture any other nominations for these
positions.  Once all nominations are received and accepted, we will send
the complete ballot out for voting.

*	President    (nominated: Kay Brezny, OSLA) 
*	President Elect    (no nominations) 
*	Treasurer    (nominated:  Diane Hogue, Tinker Federal CU) 
*	Secretary    (nominated:  Helen Zais, Allegiance CU)

Please send any nominations (name and nominated position) to Rick
Edington, OGSLP.
OLAC Membership Dues
If you have not paid your yearly dues, please contact Diane Hogue
<mailto: hogued at tinkerfcu.org>  (acting treasurer in the absence of
Steve Adamo) for payment instructions.  If you aren't sure whether or
not you owe dues at this time, Diane can help.  If you are interested in
becoming an OLAC member you may contact Rick Edington <mailto:
redington at ogslp.org>  or Penny Gandy <mailto: pgandy at ogslp.org>  for
more information. 
Thank you for your time and attention to these matters. 

Penny Gandy 
School and Lender Support Services Manager 
Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
A Division of the State Regents for Higher Education 
PO Box 3000 
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-3000 
p. (405) 234-4364      f. (405) 234-4553 
(TDD/TRS) 800-522-8506 
pgandy at ogslp.org 

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this information. If you have received this communication in error,
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