[Lender] OGSLP Job Opportunity

Heid, Mary mheid at ogslp.org
Thu Sep 11 10:02:21 CDT 2008

> Dear Colleagues;
> To fill a vacant position resulting from internal advancement, the
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program (OGSLP), a division of the
> Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, seeks to hire a Staff
> Assistant for Policy, Compliance and Training. Specific duties and
> position qualifications are outlined in the attached job description.
>  <<(E) 8.2008 Staff Assistant I (100050).doc>> 
> Please feel free to share the job description with anyone whom you
> feel would be interested and qualified.  Interested candidates may
> submit a cover letter and resume as follows:
> *	Mail: OSRHE, ATTN: Human Resources, PO Box 108850, Oklahoma
> City, OK 73101-8850 
> *	Fax: 405.225.9230 
> *	E-mail: hr at osrhe.edu 
> Questions about the positions may be directed to Tiffany Tomlinson,
> Human Resources Specialist, at 405-234-9415 or ttomlinson at osrhe.edu.
> The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education is an Equal
> Opportunity Employer.
> Best Regards,
> Mary Heid
> Director for Policy, Compliance, & Training
> Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program
> (405) 234-4489 phone
> (405) 234-4582 fax
> Note: This communication and attachments, if any, are intended solely
> for the use of the addressee hereof. In addition, this information and
> attachments, if any, may contain information that is confidential,
> privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are
> not the intended recipient of this information, you are prohibited
> from reading, disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating, or
> otherwise using this information. If you have received this message in
> error, please promptly notify the sender and immediately, delete this
> communication from your system.
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