[Lender] OLAC Updates

Kay Brezny KBrezny at osla.org
Mon Apr 13 16:17:16 CDT 2009

Hello--we had a good OLAC meeting Friday afternoon and the minutes are
attached for your review.  Noteworthy is the decision to make our dues
$0 for this year.  We hope this will keep all of us involved during a
tight budget year!  

Remember that OLAC will have a booth at the OASFAA conference this week.
The purpose is to make the FFELP community visible.  The proposed
staffers are on the 2nd attachment.  Each OLAC member is asked to bring
100 pens as giveaways.  The 3rd attachment is an OLAC flyer for the
participants to pick up at our booth.  Please let me know if you have
changes to the overview sheet.

Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday!

Kay Brezny
Oklahoma Student Loan Authority
525 Central Park Drive
Ste. 600 (ZIP 73105-1706)
P.O. Box 18145
Oklahoma City, OK  73154-0145
405/415-4495 (FAX)

OSLA provides affordable student loans and exceptional customer service.
Visit our Web site at osla.org  
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